Faith Formation K-5 Registration Form Includes: Kindergarten-Grade 5 and RCIA for children and Youth. Only one form per family is required. Fees: $35.00 for one student or $50 for a family for the 2024 – 2025 year. Scholarships are available as needed.Child(ren)'s Full Name(s)*Father's Full Name (not step)*ReligionAddress Street Address City ZIP Code Mother's Full Name (not step)*ReligionAddress Street Address City ZIP Code Email Addresses:Primary email (information will be sent to this email)* Father's Email Mother's Email Telephone Numbers:Father:Father's Home PhoneFather's Work PhoneFather's Cell PhoneMother:Mother's Home PhoneMother's Work PhoneMother's Cell PhoneParish Registration:Registration We are registered active members of All Saints Parish. We are Not registered but would like to register and be part of All Saints Parish. We are registered active members in another Catholic parish outside of All Saints Parish of Alpena. Parish Name and City:Emergency ContactIn case you cannot be reached.Name*Phone*Relationship to child:*Child(ren) living with: Both parents Father Mother Other Other:Please describe.Parental Statement of Commitment We agree, by continuing to fulfill the promises we made when our child was baptized, to bring our child(ren) to all Faith Formation sessions and liturgies, to participate in all parent sessions, and to further assist in their faith development by helping with homework, by helping them learn designated material, and by being examples of faith in the way we live our everyday lives and actively participate in the life of All Saints Parish of Alpena, which includes weekend attendance at Mass. Parent or Guardian's Signature*Child(ren) InformationChild 1:Child's Full NameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY GradeSchool AttendingSacraments:Baptism YearLocationReconciliation Yes No Confirmation Yes No First Communion Yes No Child 2:Child's Full NameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY GradeSchool AttendingSacraments:Baptism YearLocationReconciliation Yes No Confirmation Yes No First Communion Yes No Child 3:Child's Full NameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY GradeSchool AttendingSacraments:Baptism YearLocationReconciliation Yes No Confirmation Yes No First Communion Yes No Child 4:Child's Full NameBirth Date MM slash DD slash YYYY GradeSchool AttendingSacraments:Baptism YearLocationReconciliation Yes No Confirmation Yes No First Communion Yes No Comments:Please comment below on any allergies, physical problems, medications, learning, disabilities, or anything else that we should be aware of concerning your child(ren). Occasionally parent volunteers will be needed: May I contact you? Yes No Volunteer for classroom help to help with family events for donations other I am able to volunteer in the following way:Are you signed up for Flocknote?* Yes No Flocknote is one of our communication tools for important and last minute information sent to parents.Would you like the office to sign you up for Flocknote? Yes, use my cell phone so that I receive txt notifications. Yes, use my email so that I receive email notifications. No, I will sign up myself Click here to sign up for Flocknote. This will open in a new tab so you can complete signup after you finish your registration.Payment InformationYou will be redirected to a page where you can complete your payment once you submit this form. Photo ReleaseAgreement Yes No – do not use my children’s image. Media Release Form In the All Saints Parish Sr. and Jr. High Youth, Faith Formation and REDD programs, held at All Saints Parish Alpena churches (St. Anne, St. Bernard, St. John and St. Mary), we sometimes promote the accomplishments of our students and our teachers, whether it be through a class project, artwork, or other such events. We may utilize a variety of communications strategies to share these positive events through newsletters, brochures, church bulletin, and other printed materials, photographs, press releases, interviews with area media, church and diocesan websites, video presentations, etc. Below is a release form for these purposes. Release IF PERSON BEING USED IN THE MATERIAL IS UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIAN MUST SIGN THIS FORM. I/We give to All Saints Parish of Alpena, consisting of the churches of St. Anne, St. Bernard, St. John the Baptist and St. Mary in the city of Alpena MI, my/our permission to use my name or my child’s name, and/or photograph, videotape, website photo, or any likeness for publicity purposes and the use of statements made by or attributed to me or my child relating to All Saints Parish of Alpena and the Catholic Diocese of Gaylord for promotions and granted any and all rights to said use without further compensation. It is my/our understanding that my signature below releases All Saints Parish of Alpena (St. Anne, St. Bernard, St John the Baptist, St. Mary churches) and the Catholic Diocese of Gaylord from any financial or legal responsibility for the use of this media relations/promotional materials. I also certify that I am the parent/legal guardian of the person named at the top of this form. SignatureThank you for all your time and may this be a blessed year for you and your family!CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.