As Catholics, the Mass is the source and summit of our faith. When we learn and come to know in our heart that the Lord is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity within the bread and wine consecrated at Mass, the Mass then isn’t only the source and summit of our faith but of our lives.
This is what the students and parents are studying and as catechists we are trying to teach. Our sessions began the beginning of February and will end the last week of May before the students are confirmed and receive the Eucharist for the first time.
As the All Saints Parish family, could you please pray for the catechists as they teach the faith and for the parents who are learning for themselves and who will also pass on this wonderful teaching of the Church to their children? We especially want you to pray for our students who will be receiving these sacraments in less than a month, on Sunday, June 6th. Let us all pray that these students open their hearts and minds to the teaching of the Church and embrace the reality of Jesus present in the Eucharist.
Pray for them
If you would like to send a card of encouragement, please send it to All Saints Parish with one of the student’s names on it. Students receiving sacraments: Brogan, Natalie, Skyler, Evelyn, Kalilah, Jacob, Emma, Annie, Nicklas, Noah, Kenna, Hayden, Oliver, Blaise, and Landon