CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS: Masses Relocated Temporarily
For the duration of the construction project on the front steps all Saturday Vigil Masses and Sunday Masses will be celebrated at St. John the Baptist church of All Saints Parish at 2425 Frederick St, Alpena, MI 49707.
Bishop Walsh, Fr. Tyler, Fr. Michael,the Strategic Planning Committee, Pastoral Council, Finance Council, and the School Advisory Council are proud to present the All Saints 2022-2032 Strategic Plan.
The 6-8 week project of stained-glass window restoration by Willet-Hauser company has begun at St. Anne Church of All Saints Parish. All the weekday activities in the church itself have been transferred to St. Bernard Church of All Saints Parish for the duration of the project for everyone’s safety. Weekend Masses will continue to be at St. Anne Church.
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults
Do you feel a sense of belonging? What makes Catholicism distinctive? Wondering about the Real Presence? Why do we have seven Sacraments? Where do we find that in the Bible? How do we receive the Holy Spirit? Many people want to know more about their faith. Many people are yearning for relationship with God. Many people are searching for answers. Come, and see what might happen next in your life.
If you or someone you know want to know, please contact: Seth Peters, Evangelization Coordinator (989) 354-3019