Join us on Friday February 17 from 5-7 pm

Join us on Friday February 17 from 5-7 pm
What is National Catholic Schools Week?
National Catholic Schools Week is the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States. It starts the last Sunday in January and runs all week, which in 2023 is January 29 – February 4. The theme for the National Catholic Schools Week is “Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.” Schools typically observe the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. Through these events, schools focus on the value Catholic education through the teachings of Jesus Christ provide to young people and its contributions to our church, our communities and our nation.
What do our schools have planned for Catholic Schools Week?
Catholic Schools in our diocese will celebrate the following daily themes and celebrations
Dear All Saints Family,
Today begins the celebration of Catholic Schools Week. The theme of Catholic Schools Week 2023 is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence.
Service.” “This theme encompasses the core products and values that can be found in Catholic schools across the country.” We are teaching students to become future servant leaders, faith-filled disciples and good citizens in our communities. They are primed to enrich our society by being examples of faith and love for God and their neighbors. Catholic education promotes high standards of academic excellence directed at the growth of the whole person, promoting service to others as a core part of Catholic discipleship. Catholic schools nurture the mind with knowledge and reasoning skills, as well as the heart with love and faith. Each day this week, All Saints Catholic School will have several activities centered around daily CSW themes. Sunday is celebrating our parish, Monday is celebrating our community, Tuesday is celebrating our students, Wednesday is celebrating the nation, Thursday is celebrating vocations, and Friday is celebrating faculty, volunteers, and staff. Saturday is the conclusion of our Catholic Schools Week, celebrating families with the Grand Raffle and Winter Wonderland Dinner. When students were asked to complete the statement “I am thankful for my Catholic School Community because…….
• Legolas (2nd grade) said “Because I learned that Jesus loves
• Margaret (2nd grade) said “I love my school because we love
church. Also my class prays together.”
• Reuben (3rd grade) said “I get to read and cantor at Mass. We
get to learn about God & spread it with our friends. Our
teachers are generous and plan fun activities.”
• Samuel (4th grade) said “I can learn advanced math that can
help me with engineering. I can serve at Mass. “
• Blaise (5th grade) said “I love this Catholic school because I
can practice my religion freely. I am allowed to talk to my
friends about my religion. We have awesome activities such as
the Christmas pageant, Science Olympiad, field trips, robotics ,
music, and art.”
• Kisela (7th grade) said “My catholic school is more
personal. We learn more about our faith everyday. The school
truly cares about its students and specific learning abilities.”
The investment made by our parish in Catholic education for our students will pay back in dividends for decades to come. A huge
thank you to everyone who contributes their time, talents, and financial support for the growth of our school.
With the love of Christ,
Melissa Doubek, Principal
All Saints Catholic School
All Saints Catholic Schools Week
Sunday, Jan.29 – Saturday, Feb. 4 2023
Sunday Jan 29th -Celebrate Our Parish
Students wear Wednesday Mass Uniforms and arrive at
10:30 to sing a 10:55 prelude. Students will have several
roles at Mass such as singing in the choir, altar servers,
ushers, lectors, greeters, etc.
Monday Jan 30th – Celebrate Our Community
• Classes will test their trivia of the parish and school with a
Kahoot game.
• Show our appreciation for community members by writing
thank-you notes to civil servants.
• Dress up in your favorite sports shirt or college for St. John
Bosco Day, the patron saint of school children.
Tuesday Jan 31st – Celebrate Our Students
• Catholic Schools Week Kahoot Trivia Game
• Wear a Christian themed shirt or cross
• Write letters to become pen pals with St. Ignatius School
• Catholic Trivia “Bee”: Students participate in grade level
catechism bee. Our brightest sixth grader will represent us
in Gaylord at the Diocesan Bee in May.
Wednesday Feb 1st – Celebrate Our Nations
• Wacky Wednesday – Dress in crazy, mismatched clothes.
• Adopt a Troop – Send letters, prayers, and care packages to
military men/women overseas.
Thursday Feb. 2nd – Celebrate Vocations
• Mass and Candlemas – Candlemas Procession from the
gym over to the Church with lit tapers. Students should
dress up in their Sunday best (Ladies must wear a dress/skirt
and gents in a tie).
• Guess the Saint Kahoot Trivia Game
• Showing gratitude to those answering the call for
vocations with Spiritual Bouquets.
Friday Feb. 3rd – Celebrate our Volunteers and Staff
• Write “Thank you’s” to staff members and volunteer
appreciation certificates
• Wear your pajamas to school.
• “Minute to Win It” class competitions
Saturday February 4th – Celebrate Family
Grand Raffle and Winter Wonderland Dinner
Dinner tickets can be purchased at the school office. Doors
open at 5:00 pm
Deepen your relationship with Jesus and be a part of the Eucharistic Revival. Bishop Walsh is hosting Holy Hour (and a Half) consisting of exposition, adoration, benediction, and eucharistic catechesis.
See dates, times and locations below: