Author: Fr. Tyler Bischoff

Home / Articles posted by Fr. Tyler Bischoff

No confessions will be heard on Tuesday 10.5.2021 at noon. Fr. Michael and Fr. Tyler will be away from the parish for meetings. Thanks for understanding. The rest of the week will have the normal Confession schedule. God bless you!


How to give?

You can give a donation to this project using the colorful envelopes marked “Capital Improvement Project” in the pews. Please be sure to make the check out to ‘All Saints of Alpena’. You can also use any envelope and mark “Capital Improvement Project” on the outside of the envelope. You can also give online by click here.

What is this project?

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Pope Benedict once used the example of stained-glass windows in a homily about the church. He said that the stained-glass windows of our churches are a powerful symbol of the difference the Light of the Gospel makes when you are inside the church and outside the church. From the outside stained-glass windows are dark, obscure, not beautiful, and incomprehensible… From the inside stained-glass windows are bright and beautiful… The light shines through and makes the symbols in the window able to be seen and understood. The light of faith makes the same difference in our lives. When we are ‘outside the church’ so to speak when we are separated from God’s love and light we see the world in a dark and obscure way and not seeing God’s hand in our lives. When we are ‘in the church’ then the light of faith has penetrated our hearts and we can see all the good God is doing in the world and in our lives. Let us choose to be people of light!

Hopefully, you recently received a detailed financial report from our parish. I hope you found it helpful. I mentioned in the letter that we needed some major repair work on our stained-glass windows. We have committed to repair first the window in the façade of the church which will cost $27,000. The scope of the repair is to recement the glass into the frame, replace and repair the rotting wooden frame when necessary, repaint window frames, install a protective plexiglass outer layer. Before we can commit to repairing all the windows, we will have to raise the necessary funds. Each of the other windows will cost $12,000. The total project is estimated to cost $197,000. As we raise the funds for each window than we can plan on making the repairs. In the last wind storm we had a few weeks ago several windows lost their outer protective layer. This project was in the works before the pandemic. You can make a donation to this project using the colorful envelopes in the pews (we’re using up old envelopes) and online. If you use your own envelop please mark – capital improvement project. Thank you in advance for your support. Together we can repair our beautiful windows so that they can continue to let the Light of Christ shine in for future generations.