We want to create a hub of compassion and care while being safe for our community members. We want Christ to shine through our mission to serve the lowest of the low.
“Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes” (Psalm 41:1-2)
“For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you visited me, I was in prison, and you came to me.'” (Matthew 25:35-36)
Friendship Room
For 35 years, the Friendship Room has provided a hot meal every evening 6 days a week. They get food donations from community businesses.
They serve 80 guests a night!
Come and Eat dinner with us:
Monday – Friday: 4:00 – 5:30pm
Saturday: 2:30 – 3:30pm
Connections Center
The Community Connections Center will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00am – 4pm.
Please come and join us for breakfast and conversation with our community.
The Community /connections Center will provide a safe place to warm up when it is cold outside. There will be community partners (NMCAA, NEMSCA, Catholic Human Services etc.) that will come in and visit with individuals to get them help with housing. It will provide a safe space for homeless children to do their homework and stay out of a cold vehicle. There will also be laundry facilities and showers available. Individuals will be able to have breakfast with us and there will be a veteran community area. This will be a secure site with 12 security cameras to ensure safety!
As of April 12, 2024:
The Community Connection Center has been open for a little over a month now and have had a good showing of individuals so far.
How we’ve helped:
– 2 individuals referred to Catholic Human Services
– 1 individual for rehab
– 1 individual for counseling
– 3 individuals referred to Hope Shores for sexual assault counseling
– Aided 1 individual with finding a full-time job & tools.
– Aided 20 families with clothing
– Aided 13 individuals with clothing and bedding
We are currently looking for some wonderful humans to work in the community to help people experiencing homelessness.
Sign-up for the Center of Charity volunteer program: Email Christina Kihn at ckihn@alpenacatholics.org
or call 989-884-1060.
Homelessness in Alpena
- This last year NEMSCA placed 358 homeless households
- 25 homeless veterans were placed through the NMCAA, into permanent housing rentals.
- There was a total of 480 households in Alpena who were saved from homelessness.
- NEMSCA Paid for 187 motel placements in Alpena. 8 were placed in hotels for the NMCAA.
- 279 housing insecure youth connected to resources such as School Success, McKinney Vento, and Head Start, in Alpena public schools.
- 80% of the homeless population in Alpena have income; the burden is cost of living. If you make under $57200.00 in a family of 4 you are considered Low income! The median income in Alpena is $44,864.00.(census bureau)
- 14 families were staying at the fairgrounds this year, and all have been successfully housed. There are still a few dozen sleeping outdoors, just less visible now.
Baby Pantry
The Baby pantry is a one stop shop for baby related items. From cribs to clothing and everything in between.
They serve 150+ families a month!
Children’s Closet
The Children’s closet is a one stop shop for children, teens, and young adults. If a family is in need of any clothing item, the children’s closet has it. From coats in the winter to shorts in the summer.
A Special THANK YOU to The Michigan Health Endowment Fund for their generous support of the Center of Charity’s Community Connections Center!
Support our Center of Catholic Charity
The former St. Bernard Campus is to become the Center of Catholic Charity, including programs and the church building.
We will create a space where all are welcome to respond as disciples by serving Christ in each other. The Center of Charity will house the Friendship Room, Children’s Closet, Alcoholics Anonymous, Madonna House, Baby Pantry, and St. Bernard Church.
This will include:
- Making significant investment in capital improvements to the Center, such as a new roof and kitchen.
- Starting an Emergency Warming Center by winter 2023.
- Forming a Charity Council to coordinate all charitable outreach.
Immediate Improvements:
Our current main improvement to the building is obtaining shelving!
- Updated heating system with a new air compressor system HVAC
- Children’s board games and activities
- Installation of 12 new surveillance cameras
- A computer so people can sign up for jobs and look for housing
- Fixing doors and replacing broken glass
- Repairing broken showers
- Installing new stackable washers and dryers
5-Year Plan of Improvements:
- New lighting to replace broken
- Cost prohibitive equipment
- Doubling our storage space
- New carpet
- Installation of fencing
- Energy efficient windows
All sizes and types of gifts are meaningful and important for our mission to support those in need.
Cash Gifts / Pledges:
One-time gifts and pledges are the simplest and most common form of giving. Complete the commitment form below. Please indicate the length of your pledge and your preferred form of payment. To achieve our goals, we encourage financial commitments over a one year or multiple years, up to a five-year pledge. Pledges can be paid through monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual gifts.
Checks should be made out to All Saints of Alpena with “Capital Campaign” in the memo line and mailed to 817 Sable Street, Alpena, MI 49707.
Commitment pledge forms can be mailed to 817 Sable Street, Alpena, MI 49707 or emailed to Kayla Adams at kadams@alpenacatholics.org.
Stock and Securities:
To transfer stock or securities, contact Angie King (aking@alpenaallsaints.org) with questions and for the information you need to give your stockbroker.
IRA Mandatory Distribution:
You will need to contact your IRA to make this gift and give them All Saints FEIN (#81-2077276). Contact the parish office for more information. Please also let us know when your gift is on the way – not all IRAs include the donors name when mailing the gift.
Credit Card:
To give by credit card, set up your one-time or recurring gift online here:
To give by credit card, set up your one-time or recurring gift online here:
Donations of Items:
- Baby clothing and items
- Clothing for all ages
- Coats and winter gear